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Creating Successful Leaders

In my experience, promotions, raises, and accolades are given to those who stand out in a good way. There are plenty of ways to stand out that are not necessarily positive or helpful to the company. And then there’s the opposite phenomenon: blending in. Those who are forgettable or who do the bare minimum are rarely first in line for promotions or pay raises. In short, it’s a balancing act.

How do you stand out in the right ways? How can you catch the attention of your company’s decision-makers and leaders? Here are 6 potential approaches:

Ask Good Questions

In my experience, asking good questions does not show weakness or a lack of knowledge. Rather, it demonstrates engagement and a sense of curiosity. You might ask questions to clarify something (e.g., a follow-up question at a meeting), to involve others in the conversation (“What if we had Teresa take a look?”), and as a way to spark an engaged group discussion. Those who are engaged (and who lead discussions) get noticed.

Seek Self Improvement

If you’re aiming for a promotion, consider pursuing projects that challenge you and expand your abilities. Seek out mentorship opportunities, online courses, or workshops to enhance your knowledge base and grow as a professional. By consistently striving for self-improvement and demonstrating a commitment to your own development, you’ll not only stand out in the eyes of decision-makers within your organization but also position yourself as a valuable asset for future advancement opportunities.

Create Waves…Without Capsizing the Boat

There are tactful ways to make positive changes in an organization, and get noticed in the process. Before endeavoring to make a major change, it is wise to be thoughtful and considerate of others’ viewpoints. Seek feedback from colleagues and stakeholders to refine your ideas before jumping in with both feet. Remember, the key is to create waves that propel the organization forward without causing disruption that may negatively impact team dynamics or overall performance.

Seek Advocates and Sponsors

While a mentor can help you grow and develop your skills, an advocate or sponsor can help you land your next promotion. These are people who can actively vouch for your abilities and support your career advancement by recommending you for opportunities within the organization. Building strong relationships with advocates and sponsors can significantly boost your visibility and credibility, making you more likely to be considered for key projects or roles. Seek out individuals who believe in your potential and are willing to champion your growth within the company. Networking and fostering these connections can be instrumental in your professional journey.

Communicate Tactfully

Your communication habits matter. In general, company leadership appreciates those who tactfully relay their ideas, opinions, or grievances. Conversely, no one likes a gossiper or a complainer. Understand the effect or impact it can have on your professional image. Whether sharing ideas, offering feedback, or addressing concerns, remember to do so tactfully and professionally.

Innovate and Get Creative

When you bring innovation and creativity to your work, you set yourself apart from the crowd. Whether it’s proposing new ideas, finding more efficient processes, or introducing unique solutions to challenges, being a creative thinker can capture the attention of decision-makers. Embrace opportunities to think outside the box, experiment with new approaches, and showcase your ability to generate fresh insights. Being an innovator not only establishes your skills but also demonstrates your potential for driving positive change within the organization.

Taking intentional steps to stand out in a positive light can significantly impact your career trajectory. By taking a few meaningful and strategic steps, you can position yourself as a valuable asset within your organization. Remember, standing out for the right reasons requires a balance of skill, strategy, and genuine commitment to professional growth.


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Though it may sound counterintuitive, the occasional break can absolutely help to increase productivity. This is a way to pump the brakes, take a step back from life’s chaos, and strategize your next steps.

I know many people who put the pedal to the metal in the morning and go, go, go all day. Maybe they zone out occasionally, scrolling through social media or watching a show, but then they’re back at it the next day. This pace is not sustainable for most people, and it can often lead to burnout, discontentedness with work (or life), feeling distant from loved ones, or losing a sense of self. Believe it or not, one remedy is to take intentional breaks.

Keep in mind, an intentional break is different than mindlessly scrolling through Instagram or watching TV. Rather, an intentional break involves purposefully stepping away from work or tasks to recharge your mind and body. It could be a short walk outside, a mindfulness meditation session, or even a brief chat with a colleague. These breaks allow you to return to your work with renewed focus and energy.

Here are a few ways taking meaningful breaks can help:

Zoom Out Your Lens

When you’re living day-to-day in a state of constant activity and busyness, you can neglect to see the bigger picture. You tend to focus on the immediate tasks and lose sight of long-term goals and priorities. By taking intentional breaks, you can zoom out your lens and gain a fresh perspective. This mental shift helps you realign with what truly matters and avoid getting caught up in the day-to-day grind. Such breaks allow you to recharge, refocus, and come back with renewed energy and clarity to tackle challenges more effectively.

Course Correct

Sometimes when you look at the bigger picture, you realize you’re on the wrong track entirely. In these cases, it’s best not to panic! In truth, this is an opportunity—a chance to course correct and redirect your efforts in a more beneficial direction. Taking intentional breaks offers you the chance to step back, reassess your current path, and make any necessary adjustments. This pause in action can be a valuable opportunity to reset your course and ensure you’re moving in alignment with your long-term objectives.

Reflect On What’s Important

What matters most to you? Maybe it’s your family or close friends. Maybe it’s a particular cause that you’re involved with. Or, perhaps, it is a passion project or hobby. Whatever the case, taking meaningful breaks can help you gain clarity on your priorities. This allows you to reflect on what truly matters in your life and ensures that your actions align with your values.


Taking a break to relax your mind and body can lead to a burst of creativity and renewed energy. By allowing yourself this time to recharge, you can approach tasks with greater enthusiasm and focus. When you allow yourself quiet time, away from the bustle of everyday life, your mind has the tendency to rejuvenate itself and generate new ideas. This mental reset can be the key to overcoming creative blocks and finding innovative solutions to problems.

Intentional breaks can serve as a catalyst for increased productivity and overall well-being. By incorporating these pauses into your routine, you empower yourself to approach challenges with a fresh perspective and the energy needed to tackle them effectively. Remember, a moment of pause can lead to great strides forward.


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We are a society of instant gratification and quick rewards. We order a package from Amazon, it arrives within a day or two. We want to watch a show, we switch to our streaming platform of choice and tune in. We want a meal, we order online and receive it at our doorstep. With so many ways to instantly satisfy our needs and wants, many of us have forgotten how to practice patience.

Patience is a crucial attribute in both our personal and business lives. It can help us weather storms, create robust strategies, and maintain a sense of calm. When we’re patient, we also tend to be gentler and more civil to those around us, from the overworked barista to the co-worker who is juggling multiple responsibilities.

In my experience, patience is absolutely an asset when it comes to business. A patient leader…

…takes the time to get to know their team members.

…invests in skill-building training.

…collects data and gives projects a chance before changing course.

…strategizes and considers options before jumping in.

…recognizes that development and progress may take time (and celebrates small victories along the way).

Believe it or not, patience is a skill you can develop. Some people may be innately less patient than others—looking at you “red energy” and “yellow energy” folks (see my post on Insights® Discovery if you don’t get that reference)! However, all people can improve their patience. I suggest building patience with the following four steps:

Develop Awareness

The first step to becoming more patient is to recognize when you’re being inpatient or impulsive. Start noticing when you’re being short with others, or you’re tempted to make a decision or take an action before you have all the information. Once you start becoming aware of your own impatience, you can begin to correct this tendency.

Start Practicing

Start practicing patience in small, daily interactions. Pause before reacting to minor inconveniences, give people more time to express themselves fully, and allow projects to unfold at their natural pace. Over time, these small adjustments will become habits, and you’ll find yourself naturally more patient in various situations.

Challenge Yourself to Go One Step Further

After practicing daily patience, it’s a good idea to challenge yourself to apply it to more significant situations. When faced with a tough decision or a challenging project, consciously choose to approach it with patience. Allow the process to unfold without rushing to conclusions or taking shortcuts. When you’re tempted to give into an impulse say to yourself, “I can go just one step further.” That might mean waiting another day, asking one more person for advice, or doing just one more hour of research.

Recognize This Takes Time

As you’re developing your patience, you’ll have to (ironically) be patient with your progress! Developing a new skill takes time and consistent effort. Celebrate the small victories along the way, acknowledging that progress won’t happen overnight. But with concerted effort, you will eventually build this skill.

Patience is a virtue that can enhance your leadership skills, decision-making abilities, and overall well-being. Remember, by developing your patience, you’re not just benefiting yourself but also fostering a more positive and productive environment for those around you. Embrace the journey of building patience and enjoy the transformative impact it can have on your personal and professional life.


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